How to tell which version of a application is running

Xen list at
Mon Apr 17 15:38:42 UTC 2017

Ralf Mardorf schreef op 17-04-2017 16:56:

> "/usr/lib/tracker/tracker-miner-apps" OTOH is provided by the package
> .

I know this must be an enormous headache for Chris, but:



Have these lines:


I suspect that it is actually these programs that are causing the 
He may not have alternative versions installed in /usr/local/share.

There are really those solutions:

1) install newer versions from Yakkety or even Zesty

2) install full equivalents of all packages and hope they override

3) just botch up the local configuration by issuing:

# sed -i "s at usr/lib at usr/local/lib@" 
# sed -i "s at usr/lib at usr/local/lib@" 

And hope it either stops working or starts working ;-).

>   ls -ld /usr/{,local/}lib/*tracker*

Better change that to:

ls -ld /usr/local/lib/*tracker*

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