Problem reinstalling Xubuntu 16.04

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Sun Apr 9 02:24:05 UTC 2017

On Sat, 8 Apr 2017 18:51:07 -0700, MR ZenWiz wrote:

Is there no way to get rid of the graphical thingy, maybe by pushing
the escape-key?

Try installing from the Ubunbtu server image. The installer likely
still is ncursed based. I guess it also doesn't provide detailed
output, but you at least could uncheck as much as possible, when it
asked you what software to install. This is how I installed my Ubuntu.
IOW my install wasn't a default server install, it was less than a
default server install. I used the server image, since it was the
minimalist available development image. IIRC for official releases there
exists something that by default already is less than a server install.

The more minimalist you start, the easier it's to troubleshoot and apart
from this, the easier it's to customize the install.

Such a minimalist Ubuntu install still fits to the rubric
"user-friendly", other than for e.g. Arch Linux a minimalist Ubuntu
still automatically starts services and configs are in the same way
ready to use, as for the default Ubuntu flavours, you just have to
manually install one package after the other, X, desktop environment

In short, you don't need to have the skills you need to install a
distro such as Arch Linux, but you still could install one after the
other package. I'm doing this to customize my install and you could use
it to become aware of the culprit causing the issue.


PS: Does the GUI of the photo provide at least a hint? I can't read it.

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