Thunderbird question

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Wed Sep 28 05:58:33 UTC 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016  at 15:00, Phil wrote:
Thunderbird question (at least in part)

>My ISP has changed it's mail server from POP to IMAP. If I delete my POP 
>account within Thunderbird that will also delete all of me e-mails as 
>well. So my question is, how do I restore my old e-mails to my new account?

First off I don't have (or ever had) TBird so I'm only going from basic 

Where do you store your current (POP) mail, on your local PC
 (/home/yourlogin/.thunderbird/rnfqs5md.default/Mail/Local Folders) 
or leave on the ISP server?

AFAIK there is no reason you cant just make a new IMAP setup, and keep your old 
(Local?) mail

If you still have mail at your ISP it "should" be available via the "new" IMAP, 
most ISP's will have a change over period where you could get it either way 
(before they shut down the POP3 servers)

Again I don't have TBird

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