16.04 problems - install, inactive/suspend, hard disk

Petter Adsen petter at synth.no
Tue Sep 27 14:25:26 UTC 2016

On Tue, 20 Sep 2016 00:42:40 +0200
Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 16 September 2016 at 22:11, rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:
> > I tried a number of suggested things - boot-repair, etc - none of
> > which worked, and some of which made things worse.  
> In my experience ``boot-repair'' is useless junk. The help sites now
> point to a tool that is more work and far less effective than booting
> from a live CD/USB, editing the boot command line to point to your
> root FS, and running update-grub.

+1. And huzzah for efibootmgr, it is invaluable in figuring out (and
fixing) UEFI boot problems.

> > If you do not have an ESP on sda it fails.  
> Yes, it will.

No, it won't. There might indeed be an installer bug that prevents you
from using the ESP on any drive but sda, but my ESP is on sdc and my
system still boots. efibootmgr has a -d flag to specify device that
defaults to the first disk, but any disk should work fine with a
properly implemented firmware.

The _installer_ might fail, but if it does that is a bug and should be


"Chaos, panic and disorder. My work here is done." --Anne Onymous

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