"Error splicing file: File too large"

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Sun Sep 18 11:37:58 UTC 2016

On Sun, 18 Sep 2016 13:06:32 +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
>On So, 2016-09-18 at 12:51 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> And how should we know what somebody means when using GB for both?
>> Was
>> the OP talking about 2 ^ 30 or talking about 10 ^ 9 and how do we
>> know
>> that? If we would distinguish, call one always GB and the other
>> always
>> GiB, there would be no doubts. IMO 10 ^ 9 anyway is grotesque and
>> never should be used as a scale related to bits and bytes. 
>how does it matter, the OP has a 14 gig (see what i did here ? ;) ... )
>file and uses a fat32 filesystem that can not handle file sizes above
>which causes the error he is seeing ... 
>the difference of 1000 vs 1074 bytes in the measurement units is not
>relevant at all for this ...
>also the original post only uses GB i dont see where you see a prob
>with this. before you claimed he should use GiB instead there was no
>confusion or mix-up of any units (even karl talked aboout GB in his

It does matter, since it was recommended to reformat the stick with a
file system that can handle large files. Assuming that the size of the
stick was given in GB 10 ^ x and the size of the file GB 2 ^ x,
reformatting the stick with another file system would only cause new
write access, good for nothing, excepted of decreasing the accesses
left until the stick reaches its end of life and apart from this, the
OP might chose a file system, that isn't compatible with each operating


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