16.04 problems - install, inactive/suspend, hard disk

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Mon Sep 12 11:39:38 UTC 2016

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 13:24:17 +0200, Liam Proven wrote:
>That is worrying. The things I would look at first are that the system
>firmware is totally current, and that the PSU is known good and rated
>high enough to drive all your compoennts.

I agree with taking a look at available BIOS upgrades, but I disagree
regarding the PSU, the first thing I would do is replacing the onboard
button cell battery. If this shouldn't solve the issue I would make a
backup of the BIOS settings, then turn off the PC, removed the
onboard button cell battery, move the jumpers to clear the CMOS RAM as
described by the mobo's manual, moved the jumpers back, reinstalled the
battery and restored the old BIOS settings. If this shouldn't solve the
issue, I would remove the RAM bars and remount them, but each RAM to
another slot. I also would disconnect and reconnect all power supply
cables and HDD data cables and unmount and remount all PCI(e), AGP
whatsoever cards. IMO taking a look at BIOS settings is worth the
effort, too. Perhaps "auto" settings don't work or randomly a wronmg
setting was chosen. I also would take a look at the voltage values, if
they should be too low, then there likely is a PSU issue. If they are
fine, there might be no PSU issue, but without load we not necessarily
could trust good those values.

2 Cents,

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