Mate 16.04 not kicking in after install on ubuntu 16.04

Johan Scheepers johansche at
Mon Sep 12 08:54:15 UTC 2016

On 12/09/2016 00:40, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 11 September 2016 at 21:26, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> I suspect that whichever instructions you followed (which you have not
>> told us) were out of date.
>> I think all you needed to do was
>> sudo apt install mate-desktop
>> First I suggest purging the ppa you installed from and then install it as above.
> Whereas this is true, even that is unnecessary.
> If the OP wants Maté, then they should install the Maté remix.
I would like to that you guys for taking the time to inform.

I aleady installed ubuntu-mate on another partition

Why ?? It is like a farmer going town at a fork in the road he may chose 
to go left or right and experience different happenings for that trip.

So in linux you may chose what experience you will have when logging in 
on ubuntu or the mate version on same partition.

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