Installing Ubuntu 14.04 on a Lenovo Thinkpad E460

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Wed Sep 7 18:01:52 UTC 2016

Hello All,

I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04.5 on a Lenovo Thinkpad E460 Laptop [1].
This one has two video cards: Intel and AMD.

I work a a University and we bought 4 identical Laptops for a specific task
that requires Ubuntu 14.04.

I installed it with OEM mode enabled so the end user (students) can
configure their preferred settings....

Everything went great until the student runs the initial setup. It randomly
crashes with a Kernel Panic on the amdgpu driver.

It uses the free driver. When I go to the "Additional Drivers" tab in
the Software Sources, and I try to change it to
"fglrx-updates(proprietary)" it starts to download the driver for a split
second and revert to the default driver....

When I try to manually install the fglrx drivers, it conflicts with about
32 packages, including all xorg and ubuntu-desktop.

I used aptitude to resolve the conflict and now the box starts and freezes
on the Ubuntu boot logo before the desktop comes up.

We bought these laptops thinking installing AMD drivers on 14.04 is a
breeze compared to nVidia drivers. Ironically, I always used nVidia GPUs
and never had so many problems configuring it...

The laptops came with FreeDOS on them, so I don't have a recovery image to
dump on them. Can any of you point me to an ISO Image download of the OEMs
(Lenovo) Recover Image / Tools for this specific model?

Please Help,


Amichai Rotman

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