finding/installing "virtual packages"

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Sep 5 19:29:59 UTC 2016

On 5 September 2016 at 20:19, Lentes, Bernd
<bernd.lentes at> wrote:
> ----- On Sep 5, 2016, at 9:10 PM, Colin Law clanlaw at wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i found the package on
>>> It is included in "yakkety". What does that mean ? Is that a repository ?
>> Yakkety is the code name for 15.10, if you are using 16.04 you are
>> using the Xenial repositories.
>> That suggests the deb file you have got is for 15.10 not 16.04.  What
>> is it that you are trying to install?
>> Colin
> Hi Colin,
> thanks for your answer. I thought yakkety is 16.10 ?
> It's a VoIP client, called ekiga. The deb files are from here:

You should just be able to install that from the Ubuntu repository.

sudo apt install ekiga

Unless you need a version other than 4.0.1 that is.


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