spaceFM drag&drop to jEdit

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Fri Sep 2 19:15:19 UTC 2016

I am using Ubuntu 14.04, jEdit 5.1.0, java 1.8.0_101 and spaceFM 0.9.4.

I noticed that I cannot drag & drop a text file from the file manager
spaceFM to jEdit and have it open, but I can drag & drop a text file
from spaceFM to gedit and have it open.

If I use Nemo as a file manager I can drag & drop a text file from it to 
jEdit and have it open.

I am wondering if there are any spaceFM/jEdit users on the list that 
have solved this oddity?

Regards,  Jim

PS I asked this on the jEdit list but apparently no one there is using 
this combination.

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