Out of memory (oom) issues

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 2 08:56:34 UTC 2016

Am Donnerstag, den 01.09.2016, 17:10 -0500 schrieb Chris:
> I haven't run memtest yet, will do that tonight however, I'm
> wondering
> if someone would take a look at the question I posted on launchpad
> and
> see if they have any insight - https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+
> qu
> estion/376296
> This started on the 29th shortly after I upgraded the kernel to
> 4.4.0-
> 36. I reverted back to -34 and it still happened.
> I've added the link for the third oom today to the question above on
> launchpad.

looking at the pastes i can see that clamd eats a lot of ram (along
with evolution and firefox) ... clamd is really something you should
run on your mailsever directly instead of your desktop imho ...

and there is not really a reason to use it with linux mail clients at
all if you dont blindly open and execute attachments in spam mails.

most viruses are windows ones, while it might be good habit to protect
your friends from accidentially spreading their windows viruses, the
1.2GB RAM that seems to costs you are probably not really worth it ;)

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