New box, memory problem

rikona rikona at
Fri Oct 21 21:55:13 UTC 2016

Hello compdoc,

Friday, October 21, 2016, 7:52:32 AM, compdoc wrote:

>>* move swap from SSD to HD. 

> No need for this. Please treat your modern SSD like any hard drive.
> There's a good chance it will outlive the system its installed in.

I do have more memory and so swap does not seem to get used much at
all - but, I have not yet loaded the box up nearly as heavily as I
would normally do. In the list discussion, there was mention of an SSD
reallocating bad disk sections to unallocated space as a built-in
repair mechanism for the disc. I did leave a moderate amount of
unallocated space on the SSD, and if it really does work this way it
would be able to do a fair amount of repair before the disk is full
and thus extend the life perhaps for much longer. Not sure about this,
but it was easy to do with little impact on the disk size. Is there a
way to query the SSD to see if/how much repair has been done?

>>* Consider disabling journalling on filesystems on SSD.

> I feel this is bad advice:

> "A journaling file system is a file system that keeps track of
> changes not yet committed to the file system's main part by
> recording the intentions of such changes in a data structure known
> as a "journal", which is usually a circular log. In the event of a
> system crash or power failure, such file systems can be brought back
> online more quickly with lower likelihood of becoming corrupted."

I think I'll keep it. I'm not a computer person so reliability and
minimum problem occurrences are high priorities for me. Given a
perhaps shorter SSD lifetime, I plan to make frequent backups of this

Regarding backups, I now have /home on a separate disk. The HD has a
LOT of data - is there a way to backup the SSD and the HD separately?
What I'd prefer is to make a clone image of the SSD without /home
[might fit on a CD/DVD] so I could get up and running quickly if it

Appreciate the help from everyone, as always...


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