Chromium browser screen is scrambled in Ubuntu 16.10.

Teresa e Junior teresaejunior at
Thu Oct 20 20:49:32 UTC 2016

Em 20/10/2016 09:39, nohktwo Big escreveu:
> The Chromium browser screen is scrambled in Ubuntu 16.10. Please check
> this screenhot <>.
> My Ubuntu 16.10 is a guest OS in VirtualBox, host is Windows7 x64.

For years, I have worked with Chromium as my main browser without GPU 
support, due to conflicts with the Intel graphics driver. You won't miss 
anything really, neither notice any difference, unless you need to play 
some 3D games (flash and HTML5 videos work just fine).

First close Chromium, and then from a terminal, run:
$ chromium-browser --disable-gpu

If that is not enough (but it should be), there is an option to disable 
hardware acceleration under chrome://settings/, by enabling advanced 
options at the bottom.

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