A few more questions

Bruno Mendoza brunomendoza at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 23:01:48 UTC 2016

> On Oct 17, 2016, at 10:36 PM, Timothy Holmes <taholmes160 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys:
> Im still working on my new machine, and have a few questions.
> 1.  It has an 80 gb hdd that I would like to have stay mounted (or more properly remount) at boot time. How do I accomplish this?

You could give us more information about that HDD.

> 2. This same drive. In the file manager only shows 31.5GiB. Instead of the 80 its supposed to.  I have all the data on usb stick, so formatting is an option.  But im not sure how to do that.  The manager shows it as an 80gb ntfs file system

What is your hardware?

> I would like to move my home folder to the big drive, leaving all of the boot drive for programs etc. Good idea? Bad idea? No idea?  Also, if its good, how do I accomplish it short of wiping and starting over.

You could create a logical volume and mount / and /home in different partitions.

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