Im sorry

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Oct 11 13:26:28 UTC 2016

On 11 October 2016 at 13:58, Timothy Holmes <taholmes160 at> wrote:
> Liam
> Im sorry, i cannot bottom post from my phoneb which is the only email access
> that I have.

Are you using the gmail app?  If so then having clicked on Reply click
Respond Inline, which is at the bottom of the Compose box, and then
you can scroll down to the bottom, or to the appropriate place in the
previous post that your reply is relevant to.

 I get the picture you dont want me around, so ill find another
> source for my help

That is not true for any of us, it is just that it is much easier to
follow threads if replies are inline.  Anyone who really doesn't want
to see your messages will just set up a rule to send your mail
straight to the bin and will not start by trying to help as Liam did.


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