Is this possible?
rikona at
Mon Oct 3 20:19:00 UTC 2016
Hello Dave,
Monday, October 3, 2016, 11:57:28 AM, Dave wrote:
> Quoting rikona <rikona at>:
>> Hello Dave,
>> Monday, October 3, 2016, 9:13:33 AM, Dave wrote:
>>> Quoting Liam Proven <lproven at>:
>>>> On 3 October 2016 at 06:57, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
>>>>> AMD 4or6 core processor [have a 6 core]
>>>> Why?
>>>> Apart from at the very low end, Intel is faster than AMD and has been
>>>> since the Core 2 Duo range.
>>> Top on my AMD box shows 92% idle, can Intel wait faster?
>> You bring up an interesting point. My large data runs, with many disk
>> accesses, might actually be IO bound, so processor speed may not be
>> the most important factor.
>> If I put the data on SSDs, though, will that very expensive storage
>> have a short life because of the VERY intensive data access required?
>> --
>> rikona
> I think you'd need to profile your usage. When you are running your
> i/o bound processes, what does top show? or sar? iotop?
Just ran a small test on my old box - very interesting result.
Definitely IO bound. iotop gives me 4-6 M/s, sometimes 99.99%. CPU
mostly around 20-30%, with some jumps to 70-80% or so. 8G mem full.
Swap about half full [but lots of pgms running]. 2 cores, one core
often gets very near/at max, when CPU is high, but usually sits at
about 60-70% visually [using htop].
I didn't think of this until your note, but looks important. Thanks!
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