MS Word 2003 on WINE

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Nov 30 18:55:26 UTC 2016

Does anyone know of a way to install just the Word part of Office 2003 on WINE?

I have been happily running Word 97 for years, but I am currently
working on a big project and the newer version has some useful
features (such as word-wrap in Outline view, nested tables, and
smoother DOCX import) that are useful to me.

Which means I've had to go back to using Windows 10 for now. :-(

The Office installer runs fine, but after nearly completing, it starts
popping up a dialog saying "insert disk 1" with a single button "Yes".
Click this, and the dialog reappears but the button now says "OK"...
and then it's stuck in a loop forever.

This is using a trial of Crossover, incidentally, since there are some
documented issues with vanilla WINE -- which is fine with Word 97.

LibreOffice, sadly, doesn't have Outline view at all, and is also
rather slow on my somewhat elderly Thinkpad X200S.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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