Can't boot 14.04

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Mon Nov 7 23:01:10 UTC 2016

On Mon, 7 Nov 2016 23:46:26 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
>[1] Remove _all_ proprietary nVidia drivers

Which this command

  sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l nvidia* | grep ii | cut -d" " -f3)

actually does. I simply forgot to point out that

  cd /var/cache/apt/archives/

before running dpkg with the asterisk is wrong.

Perhaps I should have written

  mdkir /tmp/empty
  cd /tmp/empty/
  sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l nvidia* | grep ii | cut -d" " -f3)
  cd /var/cache/apt/archives/

however, joust mentioning "Remove _all_ proprietary nVidia drivers" is
bad for two reasons.

First off all removing all nvidia related packages is required, which
isn't the same as removing modules.
second, how would you ensure this, if not by running

  sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l nvidia* | grep ii | cut -d" " -f3)


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