Can't boot 14.04

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Mon Nov 7 14:35:42 UTC 2016

On 11/07/2016 08:05 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 6 November 2016 at 18:03, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at> wrote:
>> OK, did this but it did not fix the problem.
> Shame.
>>> If you have an internet connection, you can also do:
>>> sudo apt update
>>> sudo apt full-upgrade
>> I am always unsure of the results of this command. Does this do the same
>> thing as letting the software-updater do an update?
> Yes.
>> So if I do that I assume I will re-boot to some low res driver and the try
>> to install the nvidia driver. But which one .131 or .132 or will the
>> installer pick the right one.
> It should fall back to the built-in open-source Nouveau driver. This
> works fine and is good enough for most uses.
> Then I'd suggest waiting until nVidia release a new version of their
> proprietary driver, as it sounds like this one is broken!

In another message Ralf suggested a possible method to fall back to the 
304.131 drivers. That's what I prefer to do. Those were the drivers 
running before the software update was applied.  Also those are the 
drivers in use on the install of 12.04 that is still running on this 
same machine.

If that fails then Nouveau driver seem to be my only option. I haven't 
kept up with them lately other than to remember reading somewhere that 
they are getting better. Can they handle 2 monitors?

Thanks,  Jim

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