Disk access/permission problem

rikona rikona at sonic.net
Wed Nov 2 04:33:52 UTC 2016

I didn't get a reply to this but I did finally manage to get it
working. Was a new install of 16.04 in a new hardware box. Initially,
the new HD was shared via Nautilus, but was not accessible from either
Windows or Linux boxes. I moved the old samba.conf file from 12.04,
which was subsequently modified many times, but the HD was still not

[SOLVED] - the solution seemed to be to remove ALL filesharing set up
by Nautilus, and do all the filesharing by manually editing the
samba.conf file. When this was finally done without complaints the two
HDs were accessible from both Windows and Linux boxes. Nautilus file
sharing seems to be a bit flaky.



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