Creating an Ubuntu OEM Install ISO Image

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Fri Mar 18 14:05:46 UTC 2016

Hey all,

I am starting a Recycling  Project similar to Free Geek in mt local
community. I intend to re-use old computers, install Ubuntu on them and
donate them.

I'd like to create an ISO image from an Ubuntu OEM Install:

   - Start the install from a LiveUSB.
   - Choose OEM.
   - Upgrade
   - Add PPAs.
   - Change Background
   - Change Plymouth Theme
   - Etc...
   - Then save all of it as an ISO.
   - Create a Partition image.
   - Clone the partition to different Make / Size HDDs.

Anyone know of a detailed step-by-step HOWTO?

I also thought of setting up a PXE server...


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