ubuntu 14.04 PAM questions

Spyros Tsiolis stsiol at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Mar 2 11:32:13 UTC 2016

Hello again All.

Hope everyone's fine this fine afternoon :-)
I have an update issue again with another (different) Ubuntu 14.04 X64

If I try to update via GUI (software updater)  the following pop-window 
comes on screen :

PAM Configuration 
No PAM profiles have been selected.

No PAM profiles have been selected for use on this system. 
This would grant all users access without authenticating, and 
is not allowed. Please select at least one PAM profile from 
the available list.

PAM Profiles to enable :

[ ] Unix Authentication
[ ] Winbind NT/Active Directory authentication
[ ] Register user sessions in the systemd control group hirerarchy
[ ] SMB password synchronization
[ ] GNOME Keyring Daemon - Login Keyring management (I would prefer this one not to enable it)
[ ] Inheritable Capabilities Management

Unix Authentication and SMB password sync are selected since I need those.

However I keep pressing forward and it doesn't go anywhere .

Any ideas ?

These days nothing seems to work for me :-)

Thank you all,


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