How to convert a iso9660 ISO to a USB ISO?

Steven Truppe steven.truppe at
Sat Jun 25 10:27:18 UTC 2016


i only know how to make a USB bootable disk with this iso, you can also 
mount the iso with fstab and burn the content to a CD maybe.

To create a bootable usb-disk you only need the "dd" command:
1) make sure the usb disk is not mounten
2) To see a progress bar install the "pv" package (sudo apt-get install pv)
3) Open a root terminal
4) dd if=/home/username/yourisofile.iso | pv | dd of=/dev/sde (the 
/dev/sde is the mount point of your usb-disk - you can find it easily 
when you first plugin the device and then type "dmesg". But after that 
5) Be very carefull about the /dev/sdX device name, otherwise you will 
overwrite another device that is plugged in !!!!)
6) Enjoy your fresh bootable usb-drive

If you need a bootable CD use "InfraRecorder", it let you burn .iso 
images to CD's, this way is the way if you need a bootable CD - use the 
"write ISO image".

Hope this helps.

Am 2016-06-25 um 12:01 schrieb Tony Arnold:
> Amichai,
> On Sat, 2016-06-25 at 12:20 +0300, Amichai Rotman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have an ISO of customized GCompris based on Ubuntu. It is intended
>> to be burned on a CD (iso 9660 FS Type). When I try to burn it to a
>> USB, the pendrive "becomes" a CD and it won't boot...
>> The guy who made this ISO as a school project a while back, says he
>> can't remember how he made it in the first place, but it has
>> something to do with extracting the squashfs and re-create it using
>> chroot.
>> Can any of you point me to a step by step guide on how to do it -
>> from the top?
> Have you tried using the Startup Disk creator that comes with Ubuntu?
> You give it an ISO file and the USB device and it creates a bootable
> USB.
> There is also the package 'unetbootin' which you can install and does a
> similar job.
> Works with standard Ubuntu ISO disks. Not sure about a customised ISO,
> but worth a shot.
> Regards,
> Tony.

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