How does one set Simple Scan to scan at 11" from a Brother DCP7065DN's page feeder?

Rick Berger rckbrgr at
Fri Jun 10 05:57:22 UTC 2016

Thanks for pointing out the menu bar. I don't have it. I must of turned 
it off somewhere along the line. I just tried switching options in 
System Settings - Appearance - Behavior  - "Show the menus for a 
window". It still won't appear. I'll hunt around tomorrow to fined out 
where one switch's it back on.

On 16-06-09 11:13 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 5:15 PM, Rick Berger <rckbrgr at 
> <mailto:rckbrgr at>> wrote:
>     This hasn't been a high priority for me, thus the lag in
>     responding, but I did try cropping before scanning from the
>     feeder, and it didn't help.
>     You indicated twiddling a Preferences setting, what version of
>     Simple-Scan are you using? I'm using 3.12.3 on Ubuntu 14.04, it
>     doesn't have a Document menu.
> Yes, I use version 3.12.3 on Ubuntu 14.04. (I haven't yet upgraded my 
> primary systems to 16.04 "Xenial.")
> The document menu is in the menu bar, which in Unity is normally 
> visible when you mouse to the top of the screen when the application 
> window is active. The Simple Scan application puts three menus in the 
> menu bar: Document, Page, and Help.
> P.S.: One cool thing you may have never noticed (since you didn't see 
> the menu) is the keyboard accelerators -- I have found when I can't 
> use the automatic feeder I can stretch my keyboard over to the scanner 
> and kick off scans using Ctrl+1. (That way I don't have to tinker with 
> the Brother scan daemon that's required to activate the scan button on 
> the device's front panel.)
>     On 16-06-06 06:50 PM, Tommy Trussell wrote:
>>     On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 6:33 PM, Rick Berger <rckbrgr at
>>     <mailto:rckbrgr at>> wrote:
>>         When scanning from the page feeder on my Brother DCP7065DN
>>         printer/scanner, all th pages are scanned as legal, 14". Is
>>         there a way to set Simple Scan to scan at 11" from the feeder?
>>     I have been using SimpleScan for years on my Brother DCP7020
>>     printer/scanner, and most documents I scan are 8.5 x 11 inches,
>>     though the scanner always scans a slightly different default size
>>     and I always choose to Crop the scan to "Letter" size before
>>     beginning the scan. (You can crop after the scan, but it's much
>>     faster to have it crop from the start.)
>>     I recently switched to scanning some 14 inch "Legal" documents,
>>     and was surprised when it didn't switch back to Letter size by
>>     itself. I believe I had to twiddle the settings under Document
>>     --> Preferences to get it back to 8.5 x 11 again.
>>     If that doesn't work for you, first I would suggest you check on
>>     the Brother Linux support site to see if you have the latest
>>     version of their scanner driver for your hardware and your
>>     version of Ubuntu. I know on my scanner the driver lags WAY
>>     behind my version of Ubuntu (since the DCP7020 is so old) but I
>>     was able to futz around with it and make the latest version work
>>     on Ubuntu 14.04 even though the actual package was broken and
>>     didn't install correctly.
>>     When I'm ready to update that computer to Ubuntu 16.04 I fully
>>     expect to have to kick and jiggle the Brother scanner package to
>>     get it to work all over again.... and if it doesn't.... I'll have
>>     to come up with something else. :-)
>>     Be sure to report back here if you run into trouble. I am not at
>>     that computer now so let me know if you need specific details
>>     about the driver.

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