Package version differences between 14.04.4 iso and repo that apt-mirror downloaded

Russell Jones russell-list at
Thu Jun 9 19:16:35 UTC 2016


Hi all, 

I am a bit new to Ubuntu administration (I'm a Redhat guy), and have
been working on a project for automated PXE installation of Ubuntu

I ran into a strange issue where the gcc-4.8 version that is included
with the latest 14.04.4 iso download differs from what apt-mirror gave
me when I told it to mirror the "trusty" repo. Example: 

>From the iso: 

[root at server main]# find . -name \*gcc-4.8\*

>From the mirrored repo (shortened with just the base package as there's
a lot of extras since it's the full repo): 

[root at repo pool]# find . -name \*gcc-4.8\* | grep base

The iso was downloaded at the same time the repository was mirrored with

So my question is 2 fold I guess, 

1) Why is the GCC version newer in the iso? 

2) Why did telling apt-mirror to mirror the "Trusty" repository not grab
the 4.8.4 version? 


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