Simple Scan problem

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Fri Jun 3 18:08:37 UTC 2016

** Reply to message from Scott Blair <scott.blair at> on Fri, 3 Jun 2016
08:05:52 -0400

> On 06/03/2016 03:00 AM, Bob wrote:
> > I have two MFP devices, an HP ENVY_120_series and an
> > HP_Color_LaserJet_MFP_M277dw (just purchased) both connect to my LAN wireless.
> > I can scan documents using the 120 flatbed. When I try to scan using the M277 I
> > get an error trying to scan from the flatbed or document feeder in Simple Scan
> > that says:
> >
> > Failed to scan
> > Unable to connect to scanner.
> >
> > The description of scan bugs do not exactly fit what I am seeing but I will
> > assume it is a known problem.  Any suggestions on other scan programs (I mainly
> > scan to PDF) that I could try?
> >
> I had the same problem with a different HP printer. I installed HPlip 
> then installed the printer through HPlip and it worked fine with Xsane 
> and simple scan after that.

I will see what happens using HPlip and xsane.

Robert Blair

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation!

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