directory icon on search window

Petter Adsen petter at
Wed Jan 27 13:59:54 UTC 2016

On Wed, 27 Jan 2016 10:04:23 +0100
oxy <oxyopes at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> i use nemo 1.8.4 on ubu 14.04 64bit.
> I configured the directories to show icons beside their names,
>  instead of this usual yellow folders.
> However when i have to search for a dir/file (eg when i wanna attach a
> file to this email),
> the pop up window just shows the common yellow folders (see pic
> yellow folders).
> Can i configure it (if it is nemo at all) to show my personalized
> icons as well?

If this is a file selector dialog in a mail reader or other separate
application, then it probably picks the folder icons from the icon
theme of the GUI toolkit the application is written with. In most cases
that would be GTK+ or Qt.

If this is a GTK+ 2-based application, you can specify the icon theme
in the file ~/.gtkrc-2.0 like this:

gtk-icon-theme-name = "Adwaita"

For GTK+ 3, the file is ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini, and you specify
the icon theme like this:

gtk-icon-theme-name = Adwaita

The icon theme can be different from the main GTK+ theme, but if none
is configured you will most likely get the default icons for the main
theme. I am not familiar with how Qt applications handle this, though,
other than that they can "emulate" GTK+. You can find tons of icon
themes online, just do a search. There are also several that are
packaged for Ubuntu, 'apt search icon theme' would be a good place to

If you want to modify individual icons, you will most likely need to
modify an existing theme or create one from scratch. I would guess that would be the place to look for documentation on how to do this.


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