update-manager --no-focus-on-map ??

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 8 15:03:03 UTC 2016

Am Freitag, den 08.01.2016, 15:20 +0100 schrieb Liam Proven:
> On 7 January 2016 at 17:10, Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > 
> > errr, what ?
> > what makes you think that ... ?
> See my reply to Ralf.
> > indeed you can disable all privacy concerning bits in the system
> > settings with a single click ...
> Well, all the ones that they /tell/ you about. ;-)
the code is public and you can indeed also use a proxy/firewall to
capture any additional things going to the network to see if there is
anything else, so there isnt really a way to hide such stuff,
especially in an opensource OS :) 

> > admittedly things like automated crash reporting (which gets
> > cleaned up
> > from privacy related data before sending by apport and whoopsie) as
> > well as the automated web search are on by default, but it takes
> > less
> > than 5 sec to disable them all after installation if you personally
> > think your privacy gets violated by them.
> Me, personally, no. I don't disable such things. I don't care. 

well, i was reacting to your initial: "You cannot run a mass-market OS
like Windows 10, Mac OS X or Ubuntu with Unity *and* have a totally
secure private computer." 

you definitely can and we definitely care about security and privacy
(surely even more than MS or Apple)... 
i agree that the defaults are not ideal, but they fulfil a purpose like
adding privacy/anonymization to online searches or to provide feedback
for improving the OS ... 

... in both cases your data goes to an entity which you already give
the ultimate trust. on every binary distro the package manager has
(must have) full root access to your system ... read: you already
decided to trust canonical to not mess with your data when you decided
to pick ubuntu or a derivative using binaries maintained by canonical
in the ubuntu archive.


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