Changing the Update Manager Server from the Command Line

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Fri Jan 8 14:30:27 UTC 2016

Hi All,

I am writing a BASH post install script to run after an Ubuntu vanilla

This is what I do today, manualy via the GUI:

   1. I open 'Software & Updates':
   2. "Ubuntu Software' tab: I check all boxes, except for the "Source
   Code". I change the server from the auto-detected one to 'Main'.
   3. Under the "Other Software tab: I check both "Canonical Partners".
   4. Under the "Updates" tab: I check all check boxes. Set the
   "Automatically check fr updates" to "Weekly". Set "When there are security
   updates" to "Automatically download and install". Set  "When there are
   other updates" to "Display Immediately".
   5. Run a check for additional drivers.

I'd like to do all this via a Bash script. Where  can I find the command
line switches for the Software & updates?


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