update-manager --no-focus-on-map ??

rikona rikona at sonic.net
Tue Jan 5 19:13:18 UTC 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016, 11:33:50 PM, Petter wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 22:26:21 -0800
> rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:

>> Hello Petter,
>> Saturday, January 2, 2016, 11:38:06 PM, Petter wrote:
>> > On Sat, 2 Jan 2016 20:44:36 -0800
>> > rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:  
>> >> I run 12 which seems to be the latest one for Ubuntu/linux.  
>> > It isn't.  
>> So I see! I often clicked 'check for updates' and it always told me I
>> have the latest version. At one point, back some time ago, I checked
>> the web site and IIRC it said 12 was the last linux version. I
>> believed it and didn't think of checking more extensively.

> Odd. I can't see any information there on versions at all.

I haven't looked for quite a while, and currently it is not

> What I should mention is that if you add the repository and install
> the package called just 'opera', you will get v12. The latest
> version is in the package 'opera-stable'. I don't know if they even
> provide security fixes for v12, that is something I would check if I
> used it.

Ahhhh - that might be why I always get the message that I have the
latest version, even as of one minute ago. :-)

>> > I use Opera a lot myself, and the version I've got is
>> > 34.0. There is also a beta available, for 36.0. At the moment I've
>> > got 10 windows open, with probably 10 tabs in each. Opera takes up
>> > about 1.2GB of memory at the moment and is blazingly fast, even with
>> > all these tabs.  
>> It seems the new opera is better re mem usage.

> I haven't had any problems, but I have 16GB in the machine I mainly
> use it on.

I'm thinking I'd like to use at least that much too on a new box. :-)

>> > The package is called opera-stable. Opera's web page says to use a
>> > different repo for the beta version, but there is a package for it
>> > in this one too. No idea if it is the latest. This series of Opera
>> > uses a different rendering engine than 12, if that is important to
>> > you.  
>> That is a possible issue - I don't trust google as far as I can throw
>> their main building. Haven't been able to understand the true privacy
>> risk re their 'engine' used in the new opera.

> I seriously doubt that is anything to be concerned about. Just check
> that the privacy-related settings in the browser are set how you
> want them, and set the default search engine to something other than
> Google and you should be fine. You might also want to install
> plugins like Ghostery and NoScript. Opera doesn't get the rendering
> engine as a pre-compiled binary blob from Google.

>> >> I'm a bit of a privacy nut, so I avoid Google as much as
>> >> possible. :-)  
>> > You're not alone ;-)  
>> Do you know what privacy issues result from using the chrome engine in
>> opera?

> You can check this, that should tell you more than I can:

> http://www.opera.com/privacy#browser

> Quote: "Opera has taken much care in the development process so that
> user privacy and security are not compromised. No personal
> information is collected or shared. The Opera user’s web usage is
> not tracked." 

It's the other info on that site that is a problem. It's the usual
'third party' problem, and the definition of 'personal info'. WE
[opera] don't track you - we let third parties do that. They
'cooperate' with Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc, and they say your
privacy [or lack thereof] is set by them, not opera. The opera browser
does have a unique ID assigned, and is shared with 'partners'. This,
of course, makes it easier to track YOU. They also sync browser data
with Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. They fully interact with Google
geolocation to give your location to the web site. They do take info
on Android and share it with others - [Android privacy is usually
almost nonexistent]...

But - even given that, they may still be better than other browsers.
At least they try to give a little privacy to users. :-)



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