Network setup

Paul Smith paul at
Tue Jan 5 00:29:30 UTC 2016

On Mon, 2016-01-04 at 21:31 -0200, Thiago Farina wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 9:17 PM, W Scott Lockwood III <
> vladinator at> wrote:
> > If you like networksetup, use it.
> It is not that I like it. I'm just trying to show that the process for
> setting a static ip could be made simpler. On Mac you can, with *one
> command line*. Can you do the same on Ubuntu? 
> Is there a more appropriate place to file a feature request instead?

I'm pretty sure you do NOT want ifconfig, or ip or etc.  Based on your
comparison to OSX I expect what you want is a CLI interface to interact
the default Network Manager facility that comes with the system, rather
than disabling it and trying to go back to "old school" network

This exists!

It's called nmcli and it's got a reasonable interface.  Google for
"network manager cli" and you'll find lots of documentation (most of it
provided by Red Hat, but it works in Ubuntu the same way).  For example:

Hope that is useful.

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