YouTube, MP4 and FFMPEG

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Feb 25 20:18:44 UTC 2016

On 25 February 2016 at 20:10, Amichai Rotman <amichai at> wrote:
> This is the video I am trying to download:
> I tried all the possible CLI combinations - same result.
> Volkers solution - gave me a button to download an FLV file - got an HTML
> file to download when I clicked it...
> I think Tony's solution is the best: Purge livav and download FFMPEG from
> the PPA. I'll try that...

You haven't told us whether you have tried VLC for playing it.

If you could upload the file somewhere (dropbox or whatever) then
others could download it and tell you whether they can play it ok, and
with what s/w.  Try VLC first though.  It is in the repos.


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