YouTube, MP4 and FFMPEG

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Thu Feb 25 11:53:54 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I am trying to use 'youtube-dl' (and other) converters to download a
specific YouTube video [1]. i want to show it in a lecture and i do not
trust the availability of an Internet connection over there.

I tried using different methods and managers - but the result is the same -
an MP4 file without any sound. It seems that after downloading the streams
separately, FFMPEG is used to join them to an MP4 file. I guess this is the
failing point...

I even tried online services to do the same, with same results.

Just to make sure, I asked a friend of mine to ty it on Windows and it
worked for him. He said he hears the sound, but when i try to play it on my
Ubuntu 14.04 machines - *no sound!*

I have no problems playing other MP4 files...

Can any of you shed a light on this for me? What am i missing?


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