Cannot set "Ctrl+Esc" as shortcut for gnome-system-monitor

Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue Feb 23 09:54:15 UTC 2016

On 23 February 2016 at 09:31, Angelo Compagnucci
<angelo.compagnucci at> wrote:
> Dear Colin,
> 2016-02-23 10:23 GMT+01:00 Colin Law <clanlaw at>:
>> On 23 February 2016 at 09:18, Angelo Compagnucci
>> <angelo.compagnucci at> wrote:
>>> Hi Colin,
>>> 2016-02-23 10:16 GMT+01:00 Colin Law <clanlaw at>:
>>>> On 23 February 2016 at 09:09, Angelo Compagnucci
>>>> <angelo.compagnucci at> wrote:
>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>> I cannot set "Ctrl+Esc" as shortcut for gnome-system-monitor, or at
>>>>> least I can set that shortcut, but it doesn't work in practice.
>>>> How have you attempted to do that, and which version of Ubuntu are you
>>>> using?
>>> System Setting -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts.
>>>>  Also is it the standard (Unity) Ubuntu or one of the flavours?
>>> Ubuntu 14.04.4 vanilla.
>> I have just noticed that you sent this to ubuntu-devel-discuss, which
>> is for discussion of development issues, not for user support.  I
>> suggest you ask again on the ubuntu-user list.
> I think this is somewhat a bug, but included ubuntu-users ml address this time
>> Also tell us there exactly what you entered for the command to run in
>> the shortcut and whether you have tried it with different key
>> combinations.
> You can find a screenshot attached. Pressing "Ctrl+Esc" does nothing.
> If I set the shortcut to "Ctrl+Alt+M" it works.

Yes, it does appear not to be possible to assign ctrl-esc to a
command.  That still does not make it an issue for the development
list.  The best thing is to check on launchpad whether there is
already a bug for that and if not then to submit one.  Note the this
is not with a bug in gnome-system-monitor as it appears to apply to
any command.  I suggest assigning it to Unity.  You can submit a bug

ubuntu-bug unity


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