update manager refuses to upgrade kernel to newer version

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Thu Feb 18 18:39:34 UTC 2016

On Thu, 18 Feb 2016 10:19:47 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>On Thursday 18 February 2016 06:16:06 Spyros Tsiolis wrote:
>> Hi Gene,
>> On Thu, 18/2/16, Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:  
>> >  This sounds as if you did not do a "make
>> >  modules install", which creates
>> >  the
>> >  whole /lib/modules/version modules tree on the drive.  
>> Would I be able to create such modules while the system is
>> running another kernel version ?
>> E.g. on this specific system, kernel running is v3.13.0-46.
>> Can I create modules from v3.13.0-77 while the system
>> is running on the v3.13.0-46 ?
>> s.  
>I don't see why not.  I believe that info is in the makefile [snip]

It's not the OP's issue, but assumed the OP someday want's to build a
module for an installed kernel, a dkms line could look like this:

dkms install vboxhost/5.0.12 -k 4.0.4-rt1-1-rt/x86_64

>Its an interesting and educational experience, Spyros Tsiolis,
>building a kernel and initrd that exactly fits YOUR hardware. ;-)  It
>likely will not be noticeably faster, but the result is a lot smaller
>than the generic "make nearly all" [snip]

Assumed the OP wants to compile a kernel that fits only to the hardware
installed and connected during build time, this seems to be possible

  make localconfig

I never used it, I prefer a kernel that allows me to use replaced
hardware, without the need to recompile a kernel, IOW my kernels are
close to Ubuntu kernels.

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