update manager refuses to upgrade kernel to newer version

Spyros Tsiolis stsiol at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Feb 14 19:49:04 UTC 2016

Hi Ralf,

> On Sun, 14/2/16, Ralf Mardorf <silver.bullet at zoho.com> wrote:
>  Subject: Re: update manager refuses to upgrade kernel to newer version
>  To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>  Date: Sunday, 14 February, 2016, 20:04
>  On Sun, 14 Feb 2016
>  17:31:40 +0000 (UTC), Spyros Tsiolis wrote:
>  >(which at the moment does not exist in its
>  > respective place, but
>  >this should be
>  > logical since i told the system to ignore any grub
>  >related packages, so I suspect the system
>  > took away the file)
>  Correct
>  and you don't need it. It doesn't make sense to
>  reinstall grub,
>  just to disable the
>  automation, since if grub isn't installed at all,
>  there already is no automation you need to
>  disable. You do not need to
>  reinstall grub.

OK, if you ensist, I will not re-install grub and related packages.

>  We, the community, Oli and I need to know what messages
>  you get when updating (while grub already is
>  removed).

That's a bit tricky. I'll need to copy the messages on one of any
coming updates for the system.
Just checked it about 15 minutes ago and it's doesn't have any
available updates.

>  IIUC you still

Sorry Ralph, what's IIUC and OP that you use so often ?

>  experience an issue when upgrading, right?

Yes, as far as I know, I still experience snags everytime I install
updates on the thin-clients...

>  Or did I misunderstand you and
>  there's another issue that is unrelated
>  to upgrades?

No, I think you got it right. I "think" since the more I talk about this, the
more I am loosing my line of thought !! Don't worry it's not you.
It's the age ! :-)

>  Regards,
>  Ralf
All the best,


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