Anyone using AMD Radeon R7 M360 with Linux?

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Tue Feb 9 17:46:20 UTC 2016

On Tuesday 09 February 2016 11:23:59 Dave Stevens wrote:

> Quoting Karl Auer <kauer at>:
> > I'm about to buy a new laptop, and the reviews I can find seem to
> > suggest that it will work well with Linux, but I have misgivings
> > about the AMD Radeon R7 M360 graphics. I think it's probably
> > power-hungry, but my biggest concern is drivers.
> >
> > Can anyone on this list positively confirm that they are personally
> > using an AMD Radeon R7 M360 with Linux - specifically with Ubuntu or
> > another Debian derivative?
> >
> > I don't need gamer-level performance, but I do need a working
> > full-res graphical desktop. Basic 3D acceleration for compiz would
> > be very nice, but is not essential.
> >
> > Regards, K.
> is a good source of AMD graphics info: the site owner,
> Michael Larabel is, IIRC, the lead techie for Radeon drivers and here
> is a note from John Bridgman of AMD:
> Dave

Pet peeve that pulls my trigger, Dave. That link is intercepted so no one 
not a "member" can see it.  My view is that if that information might 
help a person who has purchased the product, it should be publicly 
readable. But if they want to shoot themselves in the foot by keeping it 
private, they will NOT make the sale to me. I've been to that dog & pony 
show with ATI/AMD, repeatedly.

And after my own personal experience over the last 18 years with what is 
now AMD graphics, I'd take anything said by an AMD type, with lots and 
lots of salt in a vain attempt at making the BS they tell you palatable.

Alex D. has lied to me about linux support for their products so many 
times that I no longer believe anything he says.  I once pestered him 
for a card that matched the driver we had, took that data to the store 
and bought that card, it said so on the sealed box.  But when I got it 
home and installed it, the driver would not work.  Taking the lspci 
identity of the card, it was NOT the same card IN the box, that the box 
claimed to have in it, ATI had updated the card in the box without even 
changing the shape of the dot on an i anyplace on the box.  New card, 
totally, but fraudulent re-use of the packaging.  And no apologies for 
leading me down that famous garden path again were obtained when I 
posted to the list.

I like to support the underdog as it keep competition live, but the 
underdog must return that favor else you'll get what you are reading 
right now.

Since I built my first linux machine in 1997, I have spent at least $1500 
on ati cards. only one of which did the job I asked it to do while using 
the vesa driver, and that machine was retired 2+ years ago when the 
monitor died and I could no longer get a square pixel on its new LCD.

And I am not a gamer unless you count solitaire, so I don't need 300 fps, 
but I do expect to be able to watch a news clip video.  That, IMO, is 
NOT asking too much of any video system capable of driving a monitor.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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