Upgrading from Hardy

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Thu Feb 4 20:41:03 UTC 2016

Gregory Gamble wrote:
> Dear Nils
> Thanks for all the assistance so far. I thought I'd let you know how I
> was getting on.

Thanks for the feedback.

> Anyway, I managed to install a working Lucid system.

Well at least that's a new starting point. :)

> So next I tried to install Trusty from the boot-usb stick, but I just
> got a black screen.
> so I downloaded a slightly later version and
> used the same method of creating a Trusty image on a USB stick. This
> one worked ... or at least it gave me a screen where it gave me the
> option to install like Lucid, so I went through the same process ...
> but partway through the screen went all funny and that was that.

What video card do you have in that machine? I have two machines with 
Intel graphics which also showed a funny display (after the upgrade to 
xenial) and there I could avoid the problem with an additional grub 
config line in "/etc/default/grub":


However that would not help if you can't start the live image because 
there is no grub involved and I have no idea what would be an equivalent 
kernel option.

OTOH you could add that grub option to your current lucid system and 
then upgrade the system to precise and trusty with do-release-upgrade or 
updatemanager. But of course I can't guarantee that the grub line helps 
against your funny display.


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