Need help with getting information about what pages are loaded to memory in Linux

Rohit Arul Raj rohitarulraj at
Tue Dec 27 23:17:28 UTC 2016

Hi All,

I need some help with smaps log. I am working with Ubuntu 16.04.

1. smaps shows in RSS field how much space a memory map takes in
physical memory.
  For e.g.
         7ffff7a0e000-7ffff7bce000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 12321272
         Size:               1792 kB
         Rss:                1160 kB
         Pss:                  10 kB

  In memory range "7ffff7a0e000-7ffff7bce000", out of 1792 KB size,
1160KB (RSS) is loaded in to physical memory. Is it possible to get
more details about which specific pages are loaded in to memory
with-in this range?

Also, one of the users had pointed out to go through the documentation
in Documentation/vm/pagemap.txt to write my own code. Is there already
a tool available for this in the OS itself?

2) When we have a coredump, does the memory map (smap) info get dumped
in as well?

Thanks in advance,

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