Nautilus hangs when accessing CIFS share

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Fri Dec 23 23:13:07 UTC 2016

> On 23 Dec 2016, at 23:28, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
> Yes - Ralf had some info regarding that. I'll have to look into that
> more. I'm a lowly user, though, and do most things via a GUI. :-)

You don't have to learn much, the harder part is to get rid of old habits. After a while you get used to command line. Once you are used to command line, the only pitfall is haste.

You e.g. want to delete

rm -r /foo/bar

but you typed a space between /foo and /bar

rm -r /foo /bar

or you wanted to type

cd /foo
rm *jpg

but yo typed

rm *jpg

It's always better to use the tab bar to auto-complete paths and to use the "-I "(interactive) option. It also doesn't harm to first run

ls -Al /foo/bar

and after that to replace "ls" with "rm".

Globbing is an issue for novices, only, e.g.

cp -ai /foo/* /target/

doesn't copy hidden files and dirs, IOW files and dirs with a leading dot in /foo/ are ignored.

However, we regularly should backup data.

Btw. atomic commands are commands that under the hood do everything in one step, so even a power outage while running a command doesn't cause data loss. Unfortunately most commands require more than one step under the hood, but when using command line, you at least could know in what order this happens. If you are using a GUI, you might not know, how exactly things are done. By using the command "strace" it's possible to follow what a command or a GUI does. Especially GUIs could suffer from race conditions, the more bloated a GUI is, the more likely are bugs and nobody wants to strace each GUI's operations after each upgrade. Command line usually doesn't suffer from bugs.



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