Nautilus hangs when accessing CIFS share

rikona rikona at
Fri Dec 23 22:28:04 UTC 2016

Hello Karl,

Friday, December 23, 2016, 1:40:00 PM, Karl wrote:

> On Fri, 2016-12-23 at 11:38 -0800, rikona wrote:
>> Thursday, December 22, 2016, 9:51:28 PM, Karl wrote:
>> > Try right-clicking on the source and selecting "move to..."
>> That is a good option with Nautilus that does not do an open
>> [...]
>> But most of the other pgms I use

> Well, that's not really Nautilus' fault!

Agreed. I was not blaming Nautilus for that. :-)

>> Is there any way to increase how long before Nautilus tries to open?
>> If increased, that could make this a useful option.

> Also, consider that Nautilus is a GUI - how does it know where you
> want to drop something?

The clue I use is when the 'drag' **just** gets inside the target
window at the desired folder, a thin red outline appears around the
target folder line. It only stays there a very short fraction of a
second before it opens. If I can release the mouse VERY quickly,
before it opens, the transfer is MUCH faster.

> Once in a directory, it waits; while navigating, it descends. For
> every person who wants the delay longer there will be people like me
> who want it shorter :-)

The delay above is SO short you may have never noticed it. :-)

> Though I agree that this could definitely be a configurable item;
> certainly would not hurt, and would also assist people with
> disabilities.

That's a very interesting idea.

> If you want absolute control, use the command line. With aliases
> and scripts you can have complete control, especially useful for
> common repeated tasks (such as, say, moving something from your
> Downloads Downloads directory to your
> /home/rikona/this/that/the_other/movies directory).

Yes - Ralf had some info regarding that. I'll have to look into that
more. I'm a lowly user, though, and do most things via a GUI. :-)
Also, most of the things are not exactly repeated but vary a lot
depending on the particular task. Sometimes I move 2 files, sometimes
5000 files, in perhaps 10 groups. Wouldn't be easy to type the names
of 5000 out of 25,000 files in a dir. But there ARE likely a number of
things that WOULD be effective. Gotta do some more homework...

Friday, December 23, 2016, 1:43:34 PM, Karl wrote:

> On Fri, 2016-12-23 at 11:38 -0800, rikona wrote:
>> or may take several clicks to go through. I end up trying to use the
>> "instant" drag/drop workaround a lot. It works about 75% of the time;
>> 25% of the time it was a tiny bit too long and it tries to open. Is
>> there any way to increase how long before Nautilus tries to open? If
>> increased, that could make this a useful option.

> By the way: You are not alone!


Interesting. I too have suffered from the "wrong folder" problem,
which almost caused me to lose data, but I found it by accident while
using locate, and moved it to the correct place. Would be nice to have
it fixed.

> Maybe your best bet would be to investigate a few other file managers.

I did, and have been using Nemo, Dolphin, and Konq. But Nautilus is
coming back to life. :-)

> There are lots - Midnight Commander is very popular, and very stable.

Didn't think of that. Used it as an alternative back in the Mandrake
days. Might use that too. Nice to hear it is stable in the current

Thanks very much for your help.



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