Nautilus closes instead of minimizing?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Dec 14 10:13:48 UTC 2016

On 14 December 2016 at 09:51, Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-12-14 at 00:34 -0800, rikona wrote:
>> Nautilus "disappears" when minimized, and Colin has suggested that it
>> is closing instead of minimizing. I'd like to fix that.
> Nope, it minimises.
> To test, open a Nautilus window, navigate in it to some directory you
> will recognise, then click the minimise widget on the window. Then do a
> window spread, and you will see your Nautilus window there, ready to be
> restored.
> Or just click on the Nautilus launcher in the launcher bar- if there is
> only one Nautilus window, that window will be restored and raised. If
> there is more than one Nautilus window in the current workspace, the
> most recently opened Nautilus window will be restored and raised, and a
> second clicks will do a windows spread of the available Nautilus
> windows.

That is what is supposed to happen, the whole point is that, for
Rikona, the minimised window is nowhere to be found, which is what
leads me to suggest that it has, in fact, closed.


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