Nautilus closes instead of minimizing?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Dec 14 08:44:24 UTC 2016

On 14 December 2016 at 08:34, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
> Nautilus "disappears" when minimized, and Colin has suggested that it
> is closing instead of minimizing. I'd like to fix that. If I could
> find a way to keep nautilus from closing when minimized, I may be able
> to go back to using more native Ubuntu programs, which may get me back
> to a more problem free system.
> Any ideas why it is closing instead of minimizing?

I don't think you answered my suggestions/questions in the previous
thread on this subject:

Copy/paste here the result of
apt-cache policy nautilus

Then I think it is important that we understand the history of the
system further.
Is it a new install of 16.04 or an upgrade?
If an upgrade did the system show any similar odd behaviours before upgrade?
When did the problems first appear?  Was it after you did something
such as installing an app or changing some system config for example?


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