Nautilus acting up

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Dec 5 07:17:54 UTC 2016

On 5 Dec 2016 5:51 a.m., "rikona" <rikona at> wrote:
> When I minimize Nautilus, it essentially disappears.

Which version of Ubuntu are you using? Have you checked running Ubuntu from
a live image that you see the same problem's? Also with checking first
whether you see the same issues when logged on as guest.


> Usually, when
> something is minimized, a small white triangle appears next to the
> icon for that program, and when multiple instances are minimized there
> is a triangle for each instance. When I minimize Nautilus, there is
> never a single white triangle no matter how many instances of Nautilus
> I have minimized. Also, when I use alt tab to see what's running in
> that workspace NONE of the minimized instances of Nautilus are shown.
> So, Nautilus has disappeared and I don't know how to get it back after
> it is minimized.
> Nautilus is missing some features I like so I added dolphin as an
> alternate file manager. Dolphin minimizes correctly and produces small
> white triangles on the dolphin icon, and each dolphin instance is
> shown with alt tab - it works like all the other programs. I noticed
> that Nautilus and dolphin use the same icon. Is it possible that the
> use of the same icon is causing the problem? Did the installation of
> dolphin cause the problem with Nautilus?
> Another major annoyance, for me, with Nautilus is that when I drag a
> few files from one Nautilus window into an unopened folder in another
> Nautilus window, Nautilus insists on opening and displaying the
> unopened folder instead of just accepting the moved/copied files. In
> some cases I may have 50,000 files in that unopened folder and trying
> to open/display that number of files seems to cause ALL the instances
> of Nautilus to be unresponsive for perhaps a minute or so - VERY
> annoying! Is there a way to get Nautilus to NOT open the folder I am
> trying to drag files into and just copy/move the files into the folder
> as I wanted?
> Another problem with Nautilus is that when I select a file, press F2
> to allow editing, then copy a part of the filename, I can't seem to
> paste what I just copied into other programs. It either gives me
> nothing or the last thing I copied from someplace else. If I follow
> that procedure in dolphin I can paste what I copied into other
> programs. Why does that not work in Nautilus?
> I'm not particularly happy with Nautilus, but some reading suggests
> that Nautilus also has control over part of the desktop function and
> can't be eliminated. I'm considering using Nemo as a Nautilus
> replacement but that seems to be associated with the cinnamon desktop,
> which I presume will be installed with Nemo. Is it likely the addition
> of yet another desktop will introduce a new set of problems in Ubuntu?
> I already have some KDE programs installed, which probably brought in
> a lot of the additional KDE components.
> Thanks,
>  rikona
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