Looking for a comprehensive guide to how (K)Ubuntu starts

Duane Whitty duane at nofroth.com
Sun Aug 14 16:44:36 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA256

On 16-08-14 01:26 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Hi,
> do yourself a favour and don't waste your time with learning to 
> understand how your Upstart based install works.
I agree.  I started to switch my openvpn config to use upstart and it
didn't gain me anything.  It was very confusing however separating it
from the rc.d system, which btw seems to work "pretty good".  I can
use invoke-rc.d service action which is quite helpful though I
scratched my head for a while figuring out what files to edit.

> With Ubuntu 15.04 the default init system became systemd, before
> that it was Upstart. While both are able to use SysV init scripts,
> it's not worth learning all that runlevel stuff anymore.
> Some distros don't need 
> https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-sysv-generato
IOW they completely got rid of this "hybrid" approach.
> What is "Kubuntu 14" for? Most likely it's not 14.10, but 14.04.x 
> LTS. If so, search the Ubuntu Wiki and help pages regarding 
> informations about do-release-upgrade and upgrade to the latest LTS
>  release, that by default does use systemd. Don't care about the
> SysV init scripts that are still used, too, just care about systemd
> and try to learn how this works.
I am running 14.04.4 LTS but have been considering upgrading to 16 for
the systemd stuff and some possibly upgraded crypto libs though I
haven't checked on that.

> Assuming you are still on 14.10, you perhaps could do a release 
> upgrade by more than one step.
> Regards, Ralf

Thanks for your reply.

How does 16 do its startup?  Does systemd do an ordering of services
so that you can specify dependencies?  I like the idea that the
"hybrid" approach is deco'd in 16.

Does 16 still have a "hybrid" networking config approach?

Best Regards,

- -- 
Duane Whitty
duane at nofroth.com



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