Installing packages without hang

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Fri Aug 5 15:58:43 UTC 2016

On Fri, 5 Aug 2016 10:42:19 -0500, C de-Avillez wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 01, 2016 at 11:56:26AM +0200, Josef Wolf wrote:  
>> >   $ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
>> >        /usr/bin/apt-get --yes -q \
>> >        -o Dpkg::Option::="--force-confdef" \
>> >        -o Dpkg::Option::="--force-confold" \ 
>The file /etc/bluetooth.main.conf had a change outside the package
>defaults. You have to decide what to do, since the installer tries not
>to clobber local changes to configuration files.
>I usually go look at the diff or, if it is a complex change, I select N
>(to keep my version of the configuration), and then I go look at it
>again (and make any changes I deem necessary), after the update ends.

And why doesn't it work non-interactively?

"confdef: If a conffile has been modified and the version in the
          package did change, always choose the default action
          without prompting. If there is no default action it will stop
          to ask the user unless  --force-confnew  or  --force-confold
          is also been given, in which case it will use that to
          decide the final action." -


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