screen sharing on Ubuntu?

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Aug 4 03:11:21 UTC 2016

On 8/3/2016 1:07 AM, Karl Auer wrote:
> I have a need to allow a Windows user to share my Ubuntu desktop
> screen.
> vinagre (VNC access) does not support encryption, or at least no method
> that RealVNC on Windows understands. I'm not prepared to have the
> session unencrypted. Also, when I experimentally, and on my own local
> network, allowed an unencrypted session, the result was unusably slow.
> xrdp is not quite what I'm after. xrdp allows people to log in, using
> RDP, to a server running X and get their own X session. Their session
> will run on the server, but be displayed locally, so they don't need a
> local X server. Cool, but I want to display an existing session to
> someone else.
> There's an open source thing called Synergy that looks very nice, but
> it needs to be installed on both ends.
> Are there any workable solutions for sharing a Linux screen with a
> Windows user?
> Note: I have successfully used GotoMeeting, but a Windows or Mac user
> has to initiate the session. Have also used Google Hangouts, that
> worked well. Skype worked, sorta (not well). TeamViewer works very
> well, but it is commercial and the other person has to install
> TeamViewer, 

Karl according to this, the user doen't have to actually install
Teamviewer, but instead can choose to just 'Run' it, see:

I've not tried it, yet, and the link appears to be dated, so you might
want to test before pushing out to your remote user. On the other hand,
the remote user might be better off just installing Teamviewer - TV
provides VPN, encrypted chat, video & file transfer etc. And you can
tell when the user has TV'ed into your system by the TV seeion tab.

so the same problem as Synergy. There are a dozen other
> webby things, and several that require me to download and run some
> Windows software :-)
> Anyone found anything good for this purpose?
> Regards, K.

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