Out of Space

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Tue Aug 2 23:35:37 UTC 2016

On Tue, 2 Aug 2016 19:21:06 -0400, Richard Barmann wrote:
>[fstab_ubuntu_15_04.txt  text/plain (0 bytes)]

Aren't you using a fstab? I guess 15.10 was the first Ubuntu that by
default comes with systemd, so I guess there must be a fstab.

I suspect you run the cat command with the /mnt/point path, but you
didn't mount a partition.

Take a look what happens if there is not file

[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ cat /foo/bar/etc/fstab > /tmp/fstab.txt
cat: /foo/bar/etc/fstab: No such file or directory
[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ ls -lh /tmp/fstab.txt 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 weremouse weremouse 0 Aug  3 01:28 /tmp/fstab.txt

and if there should be a file

[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ cat /mnt/archlinux/etc/fstab > /tmp/fstab_2.txt
[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ ls -lh /tmp/fstab_2.txt 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 weremouse weremouse 810 Aug  3 01:29 /tmp/fstab_2.txt

but again, I need a rest. There's no need to use cut, you only need to
find the paths and attach the fstabs to emails.

A path could look like this, it shows another linux install

[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ ls -lh /mnt/archlinux/etc/fstab
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 810 Aug  5  2015 /mnt/archlinux/etc/fstab

and without a mount point, there at least is the fstab available of the install
you are currently using

[weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ ls -lh /etc/fstab
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.8K Sep 20  2015 /etc/fstab

IOW you only need to attach /etc/fstab , no cat required, no file
from /tmp.

To get the fstab of your other installs you need to mount those
installs, so befor /etc/fstab, there is an additional path.

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