Out of space

Richard Barmann reb at barmannsbar.com
Tue Aug 2 18:23:24 UTC 2016

sda1/sda2/sda3/sad4 are on the 149 GiB harddrive and the others are on a 
75GiB harddrive.

sda1    ext4                     58.59GiB         1.10GiB  used
sad2    ext3                      21.06GiB        16.68GiB used         boot
sad3   linux swap               3.72GiB           0.00B
sad4    ext 4       New Volume  65.67GiB   30.31GiB used
Unallocated                       2,49 MiB

sdb1   ext4   Media/Richard/Data  43.54 GiB  36.36GiB Used bo38006ot
sdb2    Extended                            30.99GiB ----            -------
sdb5   ext3   richard/e02a80e1-1fac-4843-9fdd-3dab599bb4fd   10.82 
GiB    341.90 MiBUsed
sdb6   linux swap                              2.00GiB 00.00used
sdb7    ext4   richard/c110d3e9-0292-43c8-8a06-ab48cba38006 9.86GiB      
5.07GiB used
sdb8    ext4      /                                2.00GiB    ---        ---
Unallocated                                       4.00 MiB

Windows has not been in grub since I installed the Kubuntu. Grub shows 
the following:
ubuntu  Which opens Kubuntu 16.04
ubuntu advanced
memory test
memory test
ubuntu 15.04  sdb7
Advanced        sdb7
ubuntu 16.04   sdb8
Advanced        sdb8

Does this help any? I could have left Windows if I had known that but it 
did not show in Grub and I could not open it. I already formatted and 
moved the windows to ext4 as instructed in an earlier Email. I still 
have the windows disk.
Looking above is the Ubuntu 16.04 running on the 2.00GiB sdb8 . That may 
be why I have little space.
Can I get rid of the Ubuntu 15.04 and move the ubuntu from sdb8. If I do 
that could I get instructions on reloading the window. from my disk. I 
really appreciate all the help. My buddy, Robbie , is probably looking 
down at me from Heaven and saying "Dummy you should know how to do that.

On 08/02/2016 12:40 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 2 August 2016 at 17:12, Richard Barmann <reb at barmannsbar.com> wrote:
>> On 08/02/2016 10:59 AM, Richard Barmann wrote:
>>> blkid /dev/sda1
>> ichard at richard-desktop:~$ blkid /dev/sda1
>> /dev/sda1: UUID="c37116db-b6fd-4a09-b0b2-831c72d0d4dc" TYPE="ext4"
>> PARTUUID="00000001-01"
>> richard at richard-desktop:~$
> Richard.  Do you realise that removing the Windows partition will not
> give you more space on your ubuntu partition as that is not even on
> the same disk? Windows is in sda1 and ubuntu is in sdb8
> Colin

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