How to show a script without comments?

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Mon Aug 1 10:25:47 UTC 2016


how can I display a shell script without comments and empty lines, but
also without cutting commands?

This is an example text file:

  [weremouse at moonstudio tmp]$ cat test.txt 
  ## test file.
  test # test
  test 2
  echo "Hello #"
  echo "Hello #" # Oops

A simple egrep line, doesn't remove all comments:

  [weremouse at moonstudio tmp]$ egrep -v "^#|^$" test.txt 
  test # test
  test 2
  echo "Hello #"
  echo "Hello #" # Oops

A simple sed line, does remove all comments, but cuts commands:

  [weremouse at moonstudio tmp]$ sed "s/#.*$//g" test.txt | grep -v ^$
  test 2
  echo "Hello 
  echo "Hello


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